Our client Julia wondered if an old book of poetry could be reproduced, in time for a big event honoring the author. She had no idea if it was even possible, much less how she might go about it, or how much it would cost.
The book contained charming, clever descriptions of the merchant marine life, both on land and at sea. There was only one photo. While most people think “photobooks” when they think “Memento”, we like to think we’re photography & publishing problem-solvers in partnership with our customers.

Problem 1: What to do about all that text? Scanning and printing as an image would leave the letters looking fuzzy. So Memento offered our Optical Character Recognition capability. Our system not only converted the scans into real text documents, it also matched almost all the (very unusual) spacing, punctuation, margins, bolding & italics. She paid less, and likely got better accuracy (100% by the way) than if she’d paid us or someone else to manually transcribe.
Problem 2: Need the cost to hit a certain hurdle. No problem, Memento offers two levels of printing, matched to the budget & quality requirements of our client.
Problem 3: The event was in the near future. Memento’s high service level came through again. We personally delivered the books to the Palace Hotel, here in San Francisco, the morning of the event.
Result, in Julie’s words:
I wanted to let you and Josh know that the books were very well received – everyone was delighted!
Thanks so very much for all of your help, the attention to detail, and for just “getting it” when I had no idea how to convey what we wanted.
You guys rock in every way!