Touchless Control on my new Moto X: most useful feature added to a smart phone since GPS+maps = handheld instant navigation.
So far it’s been just incredible.
It’s what Siri claimed to be, but never was, at least in my experience.
Only four phones can use the app:
– Droid Ultra
– Droid Mini
– Droid Maxx
– Moto X
So unless you own one of those, you may not have seen how it works. You say a specific phrase, “OK Google now” then your question/command. No button pushing, no waking/code entry.
My old surf buddy Colin emailed me a photo of the Airbus Beluga.
He had not heard of the Guppy. So I said, “OK Google Now, show me images of the airplane called the Guppy.”
Approx 1.5 seconds to a collage featuring the real-life cartoon aircraft.
Amazing concatenation of impressive capabilities, including spoken language recognition, natural language search, and really fast cell connectivity.
Also a great excuse to show two really funny looking planes, and one really funny & friendly looking whale. By the way, those planes are/were used to ferry big parts & assemblies for rockets & other airplanes.
By the way, in case you read my earlier post, this is the special, modified Moto X that runs on the super-cheap Republic Wireless system! So far so good: today we had several dropped calls in our house, while the phone was on wifi/voip mode. But that may have more to do with our antebellum wifi router than the phone & service.
Sure looks like we’re going to keep the phone. Making the switch to Android from iOS will cause the most grief.
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