Hello friends!
Welcome to a web page that looks approximately like it would have when we graduated!
We don’t know how we’re going to get you the awesome scans made possible by John McCrea and Justin Dooley.
But this is where you will get instructions once we figure it out.
After running LINDO, I conclude that there are three likely scenarios:
- A download link that will contain a finely curated (that word makes me puke, but so does “incented” and I’ve gotten used to it) set of photos. “Curated” means “not many” so that download will work
- A flash drive, aka thumb drive, aka usb chip, that will have my company’s logo, so you all remember to buy things from me, that will contain a much larger set of the photos
- An online album where you can see all the photos, and select which ones you want to download. Or give me money to print for you. Because I’m an MBA. And I love money.
OK, joking aside, the fact-like statements above are in earnest.
As soon as John and Justin have had a few beers, I’ll get them to commit to one of those plans, and we’ll change this page.
Meanwhile, I hear that photos are a thing now, online, so here’s a photo. I think it’s Craig Donato, somewhere in the Mojave High Desert. He is on some sort of inflatable car, bumping fresh tunes, likely from cassette, on his Bose speakers.